About Us

Who are we ?

In a world flooded with generic fragrances, one house from Abu Dhabi dared to dream of something different. tired of the same old scents and wanted to create something truly unique, something that would speak to the souls of those who longed for individuality.

We faced countless obstacles on our journey, but we refused to give up. we spent hours experimenting with different ingredients and refining our creations until we finally found a way to capture the spirit of those who would wear our fragrances.

Slowly but surely, word of our remarkable creations began to spread. People began seeking out our perfumes, drawn to the undeniable quality and the unmistakable character of each scent.

Today, our brand is celebrated by those who refuse to settle for the generic scents of the mass-market. our fragrances embody the spirit of individuality, and offer a unique and compelling olfactory experience that can only be found in the perfumes of Naem al Oud Aroma.

Contact Us

If you have any queries about our products or would like to check availability of an item, please don't hesitate and use the CONTACT US to get in touch.